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Page Builder - Pop Up with Modal Dialog
Step 1: Drag and drop a modal dialog component. First go to the page sections tab and select the section which says “Interplay-Modal”. Then, select the modal and keep clicking “Select Parent” until the area you are highlighting covers the whole page and has an id. This id will be “modal_###” where the “###” represents a random three digit number. R...
0 min reading timeCreating your first node
Nodes get created when a flow is deployed, they may send and receive some messages whilst the flow is running and they get deleted when the next flow is deployed. They consist of a pair of files: a JavaScript file that defines what the node does, an html file that defines the node’s properties, edit dialog and help text. A package.json file is used...
4 min reading timeDevice Specific App Preview Emulator
Interplay React Builder has multiple viewport emulator settings to assist in building responsive web applications. Phone Viewport Tablet Viewport Desktop Viewport Large Desktop Viewport...
0 min reading timeAylien AI
Description AYLIEN Text Analysis API is a package of easy to use Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval and Machine Learning tools that will help you extract meaning and insight from text and images. The application id and application key for Aylien could be found on a https://aylien.com/ after signing up. Code For Above Flow [{"id":"f...
0 min reading timeYottaa
Description This node allows access to Yottaa User and Public API. In the following flow we show an example of making the API call to get the user’s sites. Code For Above Flow [{"id":"c0e88fff.73b0b","type":"Yottaa","z":"31563c97.599414","API_Key":"","userid":"","name":"","apitype":"getyoursites","monitorid":"","sampleid":"","siteid":"","profileid":...
0 min reading timePath Optimization
This flow will allow you to upload a path layout image and start and end coordinates. It will output the optimized path between given start and end points. optimized path can be visualized. Here we will find the optimized path of the layout image shown below. Step 1. Check for the layout image in appropriate storage path (/DATA/path_optimisation/) o...
0 min reading timeVideogramV2
Description Videogram provides powerful and flexible technology for enabling discovery, driving engagement, analyzing audience behaviour, maximizing revenue, and aggregating your video strategy across all screens, devices & online video networks in an extremely easy manner. Code For Above Flow [{"id":"d8570046.249e7","type":"videogramV2","z":"81...
0 min reading timeWhat is Interplay
Welcome! We are excited that you want to learn Interplay. The Interplay middleware platform provides the simplest and quickest way to build complex applications. Interplay is a drag-and-drop environment where innovation apps can be rapidly developed and commercialized through modularized pre-built components -- then pushed into production environm...
0 min reading timeCreate an API
Interplay API setup creates a simple HTTP mount point that receives a query parameter and performs any operation. In this example, the API receives a query parameter and then searches the index. Steps: 1. Select ‘HTTP In‘ node under the Components section and then drag and drop it onto the white space. The HTTP node provides an input node for HTTP...
1 min reading timeAlgolia Browse
Description Get all index content without any record limit. Can be used for backups. The browse method is an alternative to the Search index method. The search method cannot return more than 1,000 results. If you need to retrieve all the content of your index (for backup, SEO purposes or for running a script on it), you should use this method instea...
0 min reading timeApply Query Data to Components
All data returned from API responses can be used within the application with a web templating system similar to Mustache JS. (Screenshots)...
0 min reading timeOverview
The Interplay React Builder allows you to quickly build and deploy NextJS React Applications through a user-friendly, drag and drop UI. Users can build a completely stateful React Application with data sources integrated into global and local state. Technology Stack React JS NextJS Tailwind CSS Ant Design...
0 min reading timeFire Detection
This flow will allow you to input a video file and detect fire in that video. A model will be selected for fire detection. It'll accept a video as the input. Fire will be detected in the input video. Predictions can be visualized. Here we will use “yolo-416-fire’’ model to detect fire in the input video. Step 1. Check for the sample fire videos in t...
0 min reading timeFull Contact
Description Lookup and enrich individuals by sending any identifiers you may already have, such as an email address, Twitter handle or phone number. These identifiers will then be used to locate and return any additional information we may have, such as a person’s name and social handles. Code For Above Flow [{"id":"9d529ad8.e2d098","type":"fullcont...
0 min reading timeDrag and Drop Layout Builder
Getting Started The Interplay React Builder has some core architecture philosophies. Primary components which contain or display other components are Page Sections and Columns. Think of Page Sections as rows or grid containers (Columns). All components have pre-designated children which they will accept. Page Sections only accept Columns and Columns...
1 min reading timeTwitter Integration
Steps: 1. On the top of left-hand navigation conduct an open search for ‘Twitter’. There are two nodes available for Twitter. Twitter in and Twitter out. Twitter allows you to pull data from Twitter while Twitter out allows you to push tweets on to Twitter. Select Twitter in and drag and drop onto the white space. 2. Edit the Inject node by double-...
1 min reading timeAlgolia Search
Description This node allows the user to enter a string for 1 object to be searched for in a pre-existing index in the users Algolia account. Code For Above Flow [{"id":"12668e81.572ed1","type":"algoliasearch","z":"8cf3db3c.c92288","API_ID":"","API_Key":"","Index":"Product","name":"","x":250,"y":320,"wires":[["c05491e7.389e"]]},{"id":"f8a212e.606aef...
0 min reading timePage Builder - Form Creation - Step 2
The objective of creating this page is to give a demo/example of how to use a page builder to create a website. Here I have created a basic contact form using the page builder. Have a look below. Please read through this document for an overview of page builders before you begin reading. Example: Contact form with thank-you page Here, we've created...
1 min reading timeGetting Started
Create an Interplay Instance and Deploy Log into your Interplay account and create a new application and select “Create App” and choose a Domain Name Select Application Type “Custom” Select Data Center Select Application Size (Nano is recommended for most apps) Review information and hit submit to launch your instance S elect Interplay Rea...
0 min reading timeConnecting Components and building a simple flow
Steps: 1. Select an Inject node under the Input section and then drag and drop it onto the white space. An inject node is basically what you would type in the google search bar if this was a google application. 2. Edit the Inject node by double clicking on it. This will display attributes for that component. Enter the following: Payload – String To...
1 min reading timeVideogram
Description Videogram provides powerful and flexible technology for enabling discovery, driving engagement, analyzing audience behavior, maximizing revenue, and aggregating your video strategy across all screens, devices & online video networks in an extremely easy manner. Code For Above Flow [{"id":"873fa85b.3ab038","type":"videogram","z":"862a...
0 min reading timeIntegrate Custom Javascript Functions
Easily add custom JavaScript functions to your application code by writing them into the application. These functions become available for use anywhere within the application, allowing you to attach them to components such as buttons. Writing Bare JavaScript Functions Step One: From the code panel, select the + button and select “Javascript Functio...
0 min reading timeAlgolia Index
Description This node allows the user to enter a JSON formatted string for 1 object to be entered into a pre-existing index in the user’s Algolia account. Code For Above Flow [{"id":"9be9b6b2.7b23b8","type":"algoliaindex","z":"2371a025.57348","API_ID":"","API_Key":"","Index":"","name":"","x":250,"y":300,"wires":[["c4090305.3bc3a"]]},{"id":"e1407952....
0 min reading timeInterplay Features
In this video, Our Machine Learning Engineering Manager walks us through all the features inside interplay and explains how each features works when creating a project. Your browser does not support HTML5 video....
0 min reading timePage Builder - Getting Started
What is Page Builder in the Interplay? Page Builder is a tool that provides you to create, edit and customize your website. It provides the advanced elements and components which help in building a website. Here listed some key features of the Page Builder: Theme and template support for your website Drag and Drop the elements and component Preview...
1 min reading timeCI/CD Pipeline for Application Deployment within Interplay
Applications are easily deployable from within Interplay and available to view from a development url. (Screenshot) Multiple options can be selected. ...
0 min reading timeExport Flows to GitHub
1. Select the flow that you wish to export by drawing a rectangle over the flow. 2. Click ON button on the top right to reveal the menu 3. Hover the mouse pointer over Export option to reveal Export sub menu Note: Export option will be available only when a flow has been selected 4. Choose GitHub option 5. In in window that opens, you will be prompt...
0 min reading timePage Builder - Code editor shortcuts & suggestions
This document has listed some shortcuts and suggestions for a code editor which will help in the quick development of the site with the page builder. The below example will help you to understand how and where these suggestions will add. So go through the documentation or watch the video at the end. Step 1: You can modify or add the behavior of the ...
1 min reading timeClarifAI
Description The Clarifai API offers image and video recognition as a service. Whether you have one image or billions, you are only steps away from using artificial intelligence to recognize your visual content. The API is built around a simple idea. You send inputs (an image or video) to the service and it returns predictions. The type of prediction...
0 min reading timeInstall NPM Package
1. Click the Library button on the top left to reveal the menu 2. Hover the mouse pointer over the Npm Packages option to reveal Install sub-menu 3. Search for Npm Package in the text field and choose the package you wish to install by click on the Install button next to the one you wish to install Note: In order to use the installed NPM package in ...
0 min reading timeInstalling a Node
Over 100 Nodes in Interplay ranging from Database Integration to Machine Learning, there is a Node for that big feature you are working on. But sometimes the Node you need doesn’t match your specifications exactly and you risk losing your feature… luckily you can upload your own personal nodes to Interplay and get that feature done! In this guide, w...
2 min reading timeGlobal State Context Provider
0 min reading timeCreating an Instance/ Application
To Create an Instance/Application: 1. log in to Interplay with your credentials. 2. Click on "Create New Group" (upper left corner) and name that group with a description. 2. Click on groups " whatever group name you gave" (upper left corner) and select "New Application" 3. Select the group and name the domain name (your name or give any name) for ...
0 min reading timeCreating and Removing Application Pages
By default, a Home page will be created for any new applications. Create a New Page Step One: To add a new page, find the dropdown in the navigation bar which lists the current page you are on, and select “Add New.” Step Two: Give your new page a name Step Three: React Builder defaults your view to the newly created page! Removing a Page Remov...
0 min reading timeCreating an HTTP/REST Endpoint
Let's kick in create an HTTP endpoint that responds to GET requests with some static content, such as an HTML page or CSS stylesheet. Steps Use the node to listen for requests, a node to include the static content, and an node to reply to the request. Example We are going to use the below HTML code to show up on a page that we create using Interpl...
0 min reading timeGecko Board
Description The current version of this component only allows the creation of Datasets by specifying the table schema in the msg.fields property. Code For Above Flow [{"id":"49b904c.6d9cdfc","type":"geckoboard","z":"eb81f250.bb565","name":"","tokens":"","x":430,"y":640,"wires":[["74020171.2bd4f"]]},{"id":"778934d8.61062c","type":"inject","z":"eb81f2...
0 min reading timeSplunk
Description This node allows the user to return a list of jobs, apps, and to submit events to the specified index Input payload(string)The event to be submitted Parameters Type(string)The Type of transaction to be completedUser Name(string)User name associated with the splunk accountPassword(string)The password for the splunk accountScheme(string)ht...
0 min reading timeResponsive, Viewport Specific Component Styling
Additionally, whenever a viewport setting is selected (Mobile, Tablet, Small Desktop, large Desktop, etc.), any styling or component settings completed within the “Inspect” tab, will be specific to the currently selected viewport. (Screenshot)...
0 min reading timeRest B AI
Description Restb.ai provides its computer vision service via a RESTful API web service. The API is built upon a simple premise: you send image URLs to the service and it returns AI computed predictions. The type of prediction returned is based on the model specified for processing the image. Input payload (string) A url linking to the image to be a...
0 min reading timeInterplay Glossary
This is a auto-generated Article of all your definitions within the glossary. Glossary This is a auto-generated Article of all your definitions within the glossary. All...
0 min reading timeWink-Hub
Description The Wink Hub allows your diverse collection of smart products to speak the same wireless language, so that you can easily control them—and customize their interactions—from the Wink app. Wink Hub has two modes the input msg.acton= will perform the action and require msg.vale as the value and msg.payload as the result Input action & v...
0 min reading timeWord2Vec
Description Word2vec is a node used to create visualizations of a given Word2vec model that can be viewed via Tensorboard. This node can also be used to retrieve the Word2vec vector of a given word. Word2Vec Visualization The node can act as a standalone node for visualization. !Note: make sure the interplay port 8066 is open for visualization to ...
0 min reading timeTwilio
Description This Twilio component allows a user with a valid Twilio number to send messages to the a specified phone number as input. Input Payload (string)The phone number to send the message to Topic (string)The message to send Parameters Account Sid(JSON)The users Sid for their twilio accountAuth Token(JSON)The users Auth Token for their twilio a...
0 min reading timePage Builder - Selfie Camera component
The goal of the selfie camera component is to capture the picture with face detection with position and lighting. Below is an example of how to use the Selfie camera component. Step 1: Select a selfie camera component from the left panel and add it to the canvas. Step 2: After that, the front camera will open and the indicator will display the fac...
2 min reading timeInterplay Post Request
POST is a request method supported by HTTP used by the internet. By design, the POST request method requests that a web server accepts the data enclosed in the body of the request message, most likely for storing it. It is often used when uploading a file or when submitting a completed web form. In this Example, We will learn how to change a GET req...
0 min reading timePre-built Page Sections (Blocks)
The pre-built page section feature is a library of commonly used layouts within web applications. Although these sections are pre-built, they are fully customizable as with any other component, once dropped into the Canvas. (Screenshot)...
0 min reading timeGit on Interplay
Git is a distributed version-control system for tracking changes in source code during software development. It is designed for coordinating work among programmers, but it can be used to track changes in any set of files. Its goals include speed, data integrity, and support for distributed, non-linear workflows. A Git repository is the .git/ folde...
1 min reading timeAsseblyai
Description Asseblyai node allows the user to enter a url to an audio file and it return a transcript of the audio file Code For Above Flow [{"id":"d68824ac.68d028","type":"inject","z":"76d574c8.0ddb8c","name":"","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":140,"y":60,"wires":[["f4b21310.a4a4...
0 min reading timeFire detection (Advanced)
This flow will allow you to input a video file and detect fire in that video. A model will be selected for fire detection. It'll accept a video as the input. Fire will be detected in the input video. Predictions can be visualized. Here we will use “yolo-416-fire’’ model to detect fire in the input video. Step 1 - Create the flow like in the below ...
1 min reading timeUser Generated Custom Components
The Custom Components Feature allows users to create reusable, shareable react components. All custom components can be saved and accessed by different projects, based on permissions. View the Custom Components Add a new Custom Component Custom Component editor view Drag your Custom Component into the Canvas Custom Component available in Can...
0 min reading timeHTTP Response Flow
Overview This tutorial makes a flow that starts to bring in data from external sources to do something useful locally. The flow will: Retrieve information from a website at a regular interval Convert that information into a useful form Display the result in the Debug sidebar 1. Add an Inject node In previous tutorials, the Inject node was used to tr...
1 min reading timeVision Manager
The flow will allow you to input a video or live stream and object detection with tracking. A model will be selected for object detection. It'll accept a video or live stream as the input. User can select the object for detection selected object will be detected in the input video. Predictions can be visualized. Here we will use “yolov8n’’ model to ...
2 min reading timeCreate Stateful React Components
React components can have response data from API’s connected directly to local state for components or global state for the application. (Screenshots)...
0 min reading timePage Builder - Create an Account and Login Page - Step 1
This article discusses how to make a “Create an Account” page and a “log in” page using Page Builder. Create an Account page Step 1: Select a “Create an Account” page section from the “Add Section” tab. Add a “Name” attribute to each input box, as you will need it to access the data. Step 2: Click on the form, then select “Add Action” to create a n...
2 min reading timeConnecting Data to Application Components
Interplay React Builder allows users to connect data sources, functions and state directly to application components. Resource Types React Builder supports REST API endpoints as well as Interplay Node Functions API Action Types Users can integrate API endpoints with action types: GET POST PATCH PUT DELETE Headers URL Parameters Cookies API...
0 min reading timeComponents
Containers Page Section Page Sections are a required component in order to construct and UI. Think of Page Sections as an HML <section/> tag. Utilizing Page Sections encourage better organized app layouts by encapsulating unique areas of an app. Columns Columns make up the grid / column layout for your application. Containing content wit...
0 min reading timeInterplay Components
What type of nodes exists within Iterate's Interplay? There are hundreds of APIs that are easily accessible through Iterate Interplay. The types of nodes that exist within InterPlay and that can be used to create a prototype are : Startup Services, Quick AI, Blockchain, Blockchain, Enterprise Services, Functions and etc. You can openly search for ...
0 min reading timeNode Status
Whilst running, a node is able to share status information with the editor UI. For example, the MQTT nodes can indicate if they are currently connected or not. To set its current status, a node uses the status function. For example, the following two calls are used by the MQTT node to set the statuses seen in the image above: this.status({fill:"red"...
0 min reading timePortable JSON Project Source Files
All applications built in the Interplay React Builder are exportable as a JSON file. JSON files can then be imported into a new React Builder instance and worked on. Simply select the “Export” option in the top-right of the Navigation Bar....
0 min reading timeGitHub Connected Application Repository
Once a React Builder project is published, it it automatically added to its own GitHub repository. This React code can be cloned and worked on as with any other React Project....
0 min reading timeWebhose.io
Description The Webhose.io API provides access to structured web data feeds across vertical content domains. Our crawlers download the web, structure the data and index it into domain-specific repositories you can access on demand. This component allows the user to pass a string query containing the filters that define which posts will be returned. ...
0 min reading timePage Builder - Color Picker with Selfie Camera
This page will show you how to use the selfie camera to create a color picker. Step 1: Add a selfie camera and image component to the page, and write the code to display the selfie in the image component (for more information, check out the help section for how to use the selfie camera). Also drag an SVG icon and give it an id. Step 2: Select the ...
0 min reading timeOrientation and Setup
Innovation is the key to scalable, sustainable future of your business interplay helps you to get your innovation projects executed faster To get started developing right away, go to https://interplay.iterate.ai and click login. You will be brought to our Interplay Login page where you will just need to enter your credentials. If this is your firs...
0 min reading timeShippo Tracker
Description Shippo tracker will receive in msg.carrier and msg.tracking_number as the inputs and msg.payload will output the status on the package that the user would like to track. Input carrier (string)The package carriertracking_number (string)Tracking number for the package being delivered by that specified carrier Parameters Access Token(stri...
0 min reading timePage Builder - Database Integration - Step 3
This document has covered the example of using a database with the page builder. For this example demo, we will use this previously created contact form and SQLite database. You can see the video of database binding with the page builder at the bottom of this page or go through the below documentation. Step 1: In the SQLite database, first create a ...
1 min reading timeJasonette Mobile App
Description Please enter Jasonette style JSON into the app for mobile design once saved msg.payload will display the URL that you need to export to mobile app Code For Above Flow [{"id":"c4d3fe.70620c","type":"jasonette-mobile-app","z":"cb7e7ae0.322888","name":"jasonette","func":"{\n \"$jason\": {\n \"head\": {\n \"title\": \"footer input\"...
1 min reading timePrivate LLM Flow Development
Introduction Private large language models are specialized versions of natural language processing tools maintained within an organization. These private models offer customisation for specific tasks, enhanced security and compliance for sensitive data, and can be optimised for the organization's unique hardware and resources. Although they may invo...
4 min reading timeLLM Manager
In interplay we provide nodes to build LLM model based applications. We created nodes that serve a specific purpose and can be combined to create different flows, such as text data formatting, text summarization, text intent analysis, simple chatbot creation, and a question-answering flow. These are the nodes created. 01-AI-LLM-Initiate-Project 23-A...
25 min reading timeImage Classification
This flow will allow you to upload an image dataset with labels as an input and train an image classifier model. Uploaded images will be preprocessed and can be visualized. An Image Classification model will be trained and can be visualized. Predictions can be done and visualized for selected dataset with trained Image Classifiers. Here we will tra...
1 min reading timeReact Code Preview
Generated React and Javascript code can be previewed for pages built within the Interplay React Builder....
0 min reading timeDocker on Interplay
Docker is a set of platform as a service products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. Containers are isolated from one another and bundle their own software, libraries and configuration files; they can communicate with each other through well-defined channels. In this example, our Machine Learning Engi...
0 min reading timeUsing Graphenedb
Description Query Neo4j graph database Code For Above Flow [{"id":"d11259f7.8acf48","type":"graphenedb","z":"ef28f2f9.711e5","dburl":"","username":"","password":"","query":"MATCH (n:Person) RETURN n LIMIT 25","x":230,"y":780,"wires":[["52d9a72a.903488"]]},{"id":"db569d34.69f07","type":"inject","z":"ef28f2f9.711e5","name":"test","topic":"123345","pa...
0 min reading timeA Simple Message
Object Properties First off, the Msg Object is a standard JavaScript Object that comes with existing properties. The Msg Object can be altered throughout a flow by adding or deleting the properties of the JavaScript Object. The value of a property can be any valid JavaScript type, such as: Boolean – true, false Number – eg 0, 123.4 String – “hello” ...
1 min reading timeImport Flows from Github
To import an existing flow from Git hub on to Interplay make changes and send it back to your team to check if the work has been done correctly follow these steps. 1. Click on project settings on top left corner to open up projects. 2. Click on clone repository to pull the repository from git hub to Interplay. Type the git hub specific repository UR...
0 min reading timePage Builder - Server-side form validation Step 4
This document describes the form validation process with the page builder on the server side. We've created a contact form initially and validated that. To learn more about creating a contact form, read this document. You can watch a video of the form validated on this page or go through the document. Step 1: The contact form is already created with...
0 min reading time